Core Value - Embrace Difference, Embrace Innovation!
Simplicity is of essence, when navigating complexity. For example a simple book club can provide groundbreaking insights - for example, we warmly recommend financial journalist Dr. Gillian Tett's 2001 book Anthrovision - How Anthropology Can Explain Business and Life.
Innovation requires embracing difference - be it between different national or company cultures, startups and corporates, or even, for example, academic fields of study - understanding variations in thinking matters! We believe that alongside empathy, respecting differences and resilience in uncertainty are key skills of the future - and at the forefront of navigating the green transition.
Understanding, navigating and managing differences requires a high degree of awareness - awareness of self and the other. Achieving this is a task that takes time and reflection. Experiencing the difference, via a simulation, creates steps towards understanding.
Simulations and Action-based Learning - for both transition between cultures as well as on behalf of green transformation